Grandmother's Vintage Pearl Necklace Antique Rare Unique Real

Unfortunately I've had a couple family members pass away recently, this is some of their jewelry. I will provide as much detail as I can. I will add more listing over the next few days. This one was my Grandmother's Pearl Necklace. I don't know the maker or where she got it, it's 16 long. She had it for many years, it was definitely made before 1990, I remember her having it when I was young. Most family members believe she received it as a gift from my Grandfather in the 1960s or 70s. I took it to a jeweler, he told me it was real pearl but didn't really know anything past that. It's not as white as in the first picture, it looks like the 2nd and 3rd picture. Whenever I try to take a picture further back it reflects too much light and makes it look whiter than it really is.